School Renovation

Our Mission

Blessing Foundation  is focusing on renovating essential facilities and enhancing school infrastructure to provide a safe, healthy, and inspiring atmosphere for learning.



  • Health and Hygiene: Provide clean facilities for well-being.
  • Enhanced Learning Environment: Create comfortable and motivating spaces.
  • Safe Drinking Water: Ensure access to clean water.
  • Interactive Learning: Use BALA paintings to make learning fun.

Key Activities

Toilet renovation

Upgrading and building clean, hygienic toilets with gender-specific facilities.

Classroom Renovation

Repairing, painting, and equipping classrooms with adequate lighting, ventilation, and necessary furniture.

Drinking Water Facilities

Installing purified drinking water systems and ensuring regular maintenance.

BALA (Building as Learning Aid) Paintings

Creating educational and interactive murals to make learning engaging and visually stimulating.